Category Archives: Software

StoryBox 1.5.120 Released

There are quite a few changes in this release, but the biggest one is that it now requires .Net 4.0 in order to run. I’ve tried to keep it using .Net 3.5 for as long as I could, but it became impossible with the latest release.

As for other changes, if you tell StoryBox where to find KindleGen on your computer, it will now produce a .mobi file when you tick the “Prepare For Kindle” checkbox in the export options. You can download KindleGen from (the easiest way to find it is to google KindleGen). StoryBox also now lets you insert SB code via the document context menu to link to pictures documents so that they will be included in your exports. This is useful for graphic chapter headers or interior illustrations.

Check the release notes for the other changes while you are downloading.

Download StoryBox

StoryBox 1.4.118 Released

This update includes as you type typographer’s quotes (Smart Quotes). It’s an option in the project settings. It defaults to on for new projects, but for existing ones, it remains off unless you change it.

It also fixes the two biggest problems that I was aware of with exporting ePubs for uploading to KDP (Kindle). The first is the duplicate copy of the cover (only showed up after running through KDP or Kindlegen), and the lack of a table of contents on Kindle.

In order to have a table of contents on the kindle, you have to create a blank document (can be a chapter or whatever as long as “Include in manuscript” is checked in the document properties. Then just put the 5 characters [toc] into the document. Make sure you include the square brackets. This will be converted to a hyperlinked table of contents within your book. You can put the document wherever you wish within the book (I think), though it’s probably best to put it near the front.

This will probably be the last update for at least a month, unless some really awful bug rears its head, as I will be working on a new novel, and I’ve discovered that I work best on a project when I can really focus on it and not do much else.

Sorry For the Interruption

I do a lot of things. I write, I make software like StoryBox and TrackerBox, and I make games and music. Some times, I find it really hard to figure out what to focus on. One week I want to do this, and the next week, I want to do that. It really makes it hard to finish anything new.

Why am I telling you this?

Because, right now, when I should be writing, I’m spending my time working on a game, instead.

I spent 7 years working on games that other people wanted made. It’s one of the reasons I never released another game of my own after Derelict. I tried a couple times, but the GFOP (games for other people) sucked my time and eventually burned me out on working on games at all. I honestly thought I’d made my last game, especially after I tried porting one for a friend of mine and couldn’t complete it. I hope he won’t hate me forever. It was just a case of complete and utter burnout. In the last eight months, I think I spent a grand total of 20 hours working on games (the failed attempt to help out a friend).

But, somewhere near the start of July, I started to get an itch to work on another one. I didn’t start right away, but I did poke around in my code for Infinite Suns (a game I have yet to complete) for a bit. I ended up deciding that it was too much work to finish that game right now (and too costly).

But some friends of mine who participate in a public conversation on YouTube (Indie Indie Conversation) said some interesting things about the flash game market which got me thinking.

I’ve never programmed in Flash before about two weeks ago, so I had no idea what was required, but they helped me get set up (really easy – FlashDevelop and Flixel) and I’ve spent the last two weeks buried in game development.

It’s fun for the first time in a long time. Yes, it’s putting off some work on the books, which doesn’t really please me, but I have to see this thing through, or it will eat at me that I didn’t finish.

StoryBox 1.4.115 Released

Ok, it turns out that a couple people had changed the type of their story from Story to something else prior to updating their version of StoryBox to 1.4.113 or 1.4.114. Unfortunately, this caused a problem with the whole multiple story mechanism as there weren’t any stories at all to count.

So, this build fixes that issue. If you have accidentally (or on purpose) changed your story to some other document type, this build will let you change it back and will create the proper items in the file. DO NOT use 1.4.113 or 1.4.114 to do this as they won’t create the story information correctly. If you have already tried to do this in those versions, you’ll have to create a new story from the menu and move all of your documents from the old story into it.

You can also send the project to me and I can fix it for you.