I’ve been playing music for decades. First, I played saxaphone in band in school, then added guitar, and eventually started playing in rock bands in the late ’80s and early ’90s.
And then I fell out of it for awhile, concentrating on life and other things. And then, over a period of a decade, I taught myself to produce and record my own music, and for the first time, I was unfettered by the need for negotiating over what the music I made would be.
Four After Ever is the result.

With two records out, and another on the way, I currently play live on Twitch a couple times each week. Come hang out and chat with me and listen to some heavy sludge for an hour or so.
You can also listen on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and SoundCloud, along with a long list of other places (most places you can buy or listen to digital music).