
This week, I’ve been working on a tool for tracking my book sales across all the sites I sell through. It’s been a fun break from writing, but I’m itchy to get back to working on the next Wizard’s Work book. However, I can’t stop working on the tool until it’s done.

I really want to get it to a finished state, which will hopefully be sometime early this week. We shall see. It’s already taken me longer than I wanted it to. Finishing software is hard.

Anyway, I will be selling this tool. It currently imports data from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and CreateSpace. If you would be interested in this tool, but have sales reports from other sites that it currently doesn’t support, email me a sample report to the StoryBox support email and I’ll make sure it gets in.

I should have more information about the tool, soon.

Questioner’s Shadow Draft Finished!

With 4200 words today, I tagged the end on to Questioner’s Shadow. It feels good to have it in the bag. For the past three weeks, I’ve wondered if I’d get there, and now, I’m there.

You’ll notice, if you were playing along at home, that it’s a little shorter than the length I’d estimated, but the target numbers on the progress bar are always a guess. I’m not writing to a length. I’m trying to guess the size of the story from some very fudgy data. The fact that I came within 1500 words is awesome to me.

What’s next?

It’ll sit alone in the StoryBox kettle for a couple weeks to cure, and then I’ll pull it out and start working it into shape, adding whatever I missed, and basically trying to sort out any really egregious errors. Then, I’ll send it to my readers, and a month later, they’ll return it with all my failings pointed out. I’ll fix the problems they show me, and then I’ll work on publishing it. If all goes well, a few months from now, you’ll be able to read it in its final form.

During that time, I’ll be working on the draft of Fragments – the second book of A Wizard’s Work. I’m excited to get to work on it.

Now, off to watch a movie or something and relax.

Shattered Paperback Now at Amazon!

Now you can get the Shattered paperback from Amazon.

I don’t have much else to say today because I have to go get some tires changed, but you can see that I’m making progress on Questioner’s Shadow. I started Act 3 yesterday. It’s all downhill from here, I hope.

What that means is that I get to start on Fragments, the sequel to Shattered, soon. Maybe early June.

Off to get the tires changed.

StoryBox 1.3.109 Released (Critical Update)

Please update to 1.3.109. I found a bug today that I thought I had fixed, but it turned out worse than I thought. I’ve fixed it, and you really should update to this build as I don’t know when I introduced it. I’m certain it goes back at least as far as the .106 build.

The problem had to do with rearranging documents in the document tree. Their order wouldn’t get updated correctly in the project, causing potential conflicts when viewing index cards or outlines.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

StoryBox 1.3.108 Released

Some minor features and a few bug fixes. The biggest feature is that StoryBox now keeps track of the session word count as well. You can toggle between the display by clicking the “Daily/Session” word count bar on either the main screen or the full screen view.

The biggest fix is for Kindle ePub export. Paragraphs with no text indent should now be properly formatted, and the text indent size should match closer to what you have set in your project. Don’t forget that you can directly upload an ePub to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). The conversion in my one test with Shattered works great.