StoryBox 1.3.101 Released

This release fixes a crashing bug with the outline view when scrolling.

When I released the last version, the component vendor that provides many of the controls I use (including the grid used in the outline view) had released an update that fixed some minor issues and promised performance improvements. So, I updated StoryBox with that updated version.

Unfortunately, they introduced a bug in the new version that created the unhandled exception message that people were seeing when I tried to restore the expansion state of the outline.

So, in this version, I’ve rolled back to the previous version of the components. They say there will be a fix for it in mid March, at which point, I’ll update StoryBox to use the new version. That new version should have a fix for another major issue, as well.

What’s really annoying is that figuring out what was causing this problem basically caused me to lose two days of writing time.

Download the latest build

New Plan Day 1

Today was the first day of a new plan for my day. I’ve been fighting for a while with my daily schedule. I like to read blogs and other interesting things about the publishing industry. I have a day job to do, and kids to watch, well, by the end of the day when I was trying to write, I’d be tired and worn out. It had to struggle each day to get to the writing desk. I’ve managed it, but sometimes with only an hour or so to write. It also made my wife a bit unhappy because she often wouldn’t see me in the evening. She went along with it because the plan is for the writing to replace the day job at some point, but it’s not something she really embraced.

So, the new plan is that I go to bed at 10pm (instead of midnight) and I wake up at 5am to write before switching over to the day job stuff. This gives me at least two solid hours of writing time without the distractions of the day getting in the way. It also leaves the evenings free for whatever we want to do.

And it worked wonderfully today. I wrote 2000 words in about two and a half hours. Now the rest of the day is free to use as I need to without the worry of whether I’m going to get to the tasks of highest importance, at least as far as my career is concerned. My wife and kids would argue that they’re more important, and I’d have a hard time disputing that. But now, I get to spend time with them, too, without the writing hanging over my head.

Getting Writing Done

I’ve been a software developer for years. I know the process, I know the beginnings, middles, and ends of software projects, and I know this: “when it’s done” is not a good recipe for making money in the software industry.

I believe the same adage applies to writing. The “when it’s done” philosophy just doesn’t work. There are countless stories of young writers working on their book for years, tinkering with it until it’s “perfect”. I always wonder what they could have accomplished if, instead, they’d stopped tinkering and started another book.

The software companies I’ve worked for that prosper all do one thing. They have schedules, and they stick to them. They estimate how long a project will take them, and they decide on milestone dates that allow them to build the project they want to build. They have a process that they follow.

I think those same ideas can be applied to writing books. There will be differences if you self-publish vs going the traditional route, but those differences are only in the implementation. The key is still to come up with a process and to stick to it.

When developing a process, think about the all the steps that need to get done before the project is complete. Yours may end up being different than mine, but here’s the essential process I’ve worked out for me.

  1. Write the first draft.
  2. Sit on it for a month
  3. Read it carefully and make sure everything I wanted to say is there
  4. Fix any issues I discovered while reading
  5. Send it to a couple readers
  6. Fix any errors they find
  7. Send it (or publish it)

You may notice that I don’t count outlining and other project development in the process. That stuff is generally done before I count the project as “started”. It’s difficult to set up a deadline if you don’t know all the work involved, and those things are key elements of determining the amount of work involved. (Note: You should try setting a deadline for your development work, too, especially the outlining part if you outline. Otherwise, the development work can turn into a never ending project on it’s own.)

Another person’s process might look like this:

  1. Write the first draft
  2. Have a reader read it
  3. Fix the errors
  4. Send it (or publish it)

Another writer might specify several rounds of revisions and drafts. It really doesn’t matter.

Now that you have your process spelled out, assign workable deadlines to each part. Only you know what your schedule is like, so I can’t do it for you, but here is a general approach.

For the first part, you need to determine how fast you write, if you don’t already know. Spend a couple days writing a short story. See how many words per hour you write. Some people write 750 words an hour, others write 1500, others write 250. It doesn’t matter, you just need to know.

You probably have a rough idea how long your project will be, or should be, or what you want it to be. The more you write, the better you’ll become at knowing the length before you start, within a certain percentage. Take that number and divide it by your word per hour rate. For illustration, we’ll use 90,000 words (a typical novel length) and 750 words per hour. It comes out to 120 hours of writing. Add fifty percent to the number, which brings us to 180 hours. That’s the number of hours to use for determining how long you should schedule for your first draft.

Why did I add fifty percent? Basically, crap happens. You get sick, your dog dies, your computer takes a dump. You have to give yourself room to maneuver. In the software industry, the general rule of thumb is to double your initial estimate. There are always unknowns. Give yourself the time to deal with them.

Alternatively, if you write on a regular basis, and you know your typical output per day, say, 1000 words each day you spend writing, you can divide the project word count by that number, and that’s how many actual days you’d have to spend writing. If you don’t write on weekends, of course, you adjust for those. And don’t forget to add fifty percent. Using the example from above, you would schedule 135 writing days.

Now that you know how many hours you need to spend on the draft, figure out how many hours a day you can work on it, and which days you can work on it, and do the math. Figure out where that end date is. Mark it on your calendar. Commit to finishing the draft by that date.

For reader steps, allow them time to read it, especially if they’re doing it for free, but specify a time frame. A month should generally be long enough, though sometimes it isn’t. It’s better to estimate long here, and tell your reader a shorter time that you’d like to have it finished. If they haven’t finished by the end of the time you gave, you have to figure out what you want to do. Either push your other deadlines out, or find a new reader, or both.

For doing revisions, my current policy, because I haven’t done many of them, is to give myself a quarter of the hours that I allocated to my original draft. I’m only fixing things. Again, figure out how many hours you have in your day to do the work, and mark the end date on the calendar. Do not allow yourself to tinker endlessly beyond the end date. Once you hit the deadline, call it done.

All this will add up to a “ship date”. A date on your calendar that you will call it done and just ship it out, either to publishers, agents, or all the ebook distributors.

The key is to be ruthless with those dates. Hitting dates is the difference between a book that gets done, and one that never sees the light of day. Reward yourself for hitting the dates. Give yourself bonuses for completing them early.

When you miss a date, you should immediately write up a small document that examines what went wrong. Did you underestimate the time required for that step? Did you underestimate the size of the project? Were your estimates of time available incorrect? Why did the estimation errors occur?

I’d like to tell you that it’s fine to miss a date here and there, but it’s not. Not if you want to be productive. Not if you want to publish, and publish a lot. Missing dates can become a habit, and it’s a habit that can set you back months or years from achieving your goals.

I know, many of you may be reading this and thinking, “What the hell? I’m an artist! I can’t be constrained by deadlines!” If you’re one of these people, and you’re still reading, I thank you for not giving up on me yet. The process I’m suggesting is completely customizable by you, the artist. You set your own boundaries, whatever they may be. Setting boundaries is how a piece of work gets finished. If you want to give yourself three years to finish a book, by all means, give yourself three years. If working on your book is just a hobby that gives you pleasure, then don’t listen to me.

A schedule is a tool for getting stuff done, nothing more. I have a lot of books I want to write, and I’m sure, by the time I’m done writing them, I’ll have a lot more. I don’t want one of those books to eat up the rest of them, and this is how I’m keeping that from happening.

Status and Stuff

So, here’s the Friday status update. What? You’ve never seen this before? Go back and look! OH, wait, stop… It’s new. I guess I’ve never done one of these before.

Shattered is in sort of a limbo while I wait on a couple more readers. Once the feedback from them is in, I’ll be taking most of my weekends getting the second revision and edits done, which I expect will take a month. Then it’ll be publish time, and you can finally read it.

SotR has a deadline for the first draft of March 25th. I’m making good progress on it (if you followed my tweets @mark_fassett, you’d get daily updates), and I don’t foresee any huge problems making the date.

I hope to have an update to StoryBox this weekend, too. It won’t have any big major feature changes, but it should have some minor usability improvements. I’m still thinking about how I want to work covers and other e-book property info into the UI. I’ve got three places in mind as to where it could go, and I’m not completely happy with any of them. But, I have to get it figured out before Shattered get’s published.

The Five Stages of Professional Anxiety

In my experience, there are five stages of anxiety with regard to how you feel about any particular task you’ve taken on.

1) Complete Newb: Can I even do this at all?
2) Novice: OK, I can do this, but will I ever be any good at it?
3) Journeyman: I’m pretty good at it, I think, but will I ever get to the stage where I’m not worrying about how good I am?
4) Professional: How good is my project?
5) Master: How do I keep from being a dick?

I can’t say I’ve ever reached Master status at anything, so I’m only guessing about the Master’s anxiety. I have, however, become a professional programmer, and I plan to become a professional writer.

I went through the first three stages while I was learning to program and trying to become a professional. Those stages were horrid. I hated them. You feel like a child, to some degree, all the way through.

Once I became a professional, once I proved to myself I could produce and produce well, the fears that dominate the first three stages fell away. Oh, you still wonder on occasion if you’re a fraud. You still have to learn and get better, but it’s no longer your primary fear during the day. Your primary concern morphs from yourself to concern about your current project, and you just sit down and do the job.

I’m going through the same progression as a writer, and I hate it. But this time, since I know what I went through to become a programmer, I can look back and compare the two and see the progression. I know what’s coming, even if I’m not sure when. I can tell myself to stop worrying and just work, that at some point, after I’ve sold enough of my writing, that the fear of being an utter failure will fall away, to be replaced only by concerns of the current project.

I can’t wait until I get there, because no matter how often I tell myself to stop worrying and just work on it, I still worry.