This is one of those builds where I’m putting it up because I’m really excited about it, and I want to show off something cool. Check out the full screen mode in this build, and you’ll see a few new things (you may notice something in the regular mode, too).
First, the scrollbar looks different. I managed to hook a custom scrollbar to the text area, which solves a few problems, like quite a lot of the blinking that was happening as I hacked around issues that came up because of the default scrollbar. It also happens to look a little more appropriate, I think.
Second, if you start typing, you’ll notice pretty quickly that, if you would normally be typing on the bottom half of the screen, it will automatically move your typing to the center of the screen. If you don’t like this behavior, you can turn it off in the View options (on the status bar at the bottom).
Third, you can auto-hide the status bar by right clicking on it and selecting Auto-Hide from the menu that pops up.
A few other minor changes, including the ability to delete old versions round out this update. I was going to take the weekend and play World of Warcraft… I think, however, that I had much more fun.