All posts by Mark

P90 Masters At An End. P90X, Here We Come

So, with P90 Masters completed the final weight loss number on that phase is 20 pounds. Pretty damned cool. Cool enough that I went out and bought a new pair of Levis in a size I hadn’t worn since college, and they fit. Holy crap is that awesome. A 30 waist is freakin mad, considering where I started out (overflowing a 36 and thinking about needing 38’s).

We’re taking a two week break to recover from the rigors of 6 days a week of hardcore exercise. By break, it means we’re only going to be working out 3 days a week. I think we’re going to take pictures tomorrow morning. As soon as I have them, I’ll get them up so you can see what I can see. Not quite ripped yet, but getting there. I imagined this happening, six months ago, but never really believed it. I believe it now, though.

55 Pounds And Counting

This last few weeks has been really tough with the weightloss. My body had decided, for whatever reason, to slow down drastically. I went from losing 2-2.5 pounds a week to losing one, if I was lucky. One, is good, though, as it’s still losing, but it’s a bit more frustrating than 2 or 2.5.

But today, I hit the 55 pound mark, a mere 9 days after hitting 50, and I was actually stuck at 50 for a couple days until I got this 24 hour stomach virus that made me drop 4 pounds in two days. I figured it was mostly water, so I didn’t count it, and assumed I’d be back up near where I was before getting sick in a couple days as I rehydrated. Well, I did go back up, about two and a half pounds, but no further than that, and now, just over a week later, I’m even lower than the lowest point with the virus. 170.2. Freaking STOKED! Just over 5 pounds to go to hit my goal (even though I’m thinking the goal may be a little high, now). With our Power 90 Masters series ending in three days, I don’t think I’ll get to the goal, but I’m set up nicely for starting P90x, I think.

When I start P90x, I’m going to change my goal up, anyway, since the actual weight isn’t quite as important anymore. I’m going to start aiming for targets that are a little more indicitave of overall conditioning. The first of those goals will be to get my body fat percent down to 15%. Right now (today) it was 20.6%, and when I started this whole journey, it was over 34%. I’m fairly certain I can hit this goal with P90x, as in just over a month, I’ve dropped 2.5%, and P90x is supposed to be much more rigorous than P90m. I can’t wait to get started.

This Ought To Be Required Reading In Every Management Course

Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule is an article by Paul Graham that should be required reading in every management course that’s ever taken by anyone. And If they have to read it several times, so be it. Understanding the difference between what I do, and what a “Manager” does, and what I need and what a “Manager” needs is critical to getting the best performance out of me and people like me.

The Magical 50

I’ve been thinking all day about what else to say along with the following:

Today is the day I officially hit 50 pounds of weight loss.

The number is amazing to me, in that it’s hard to believe I was actually carrying that much extra weight. Almost as much as my seven year old son. What’s also amazing is that it took less than half a year to lose it.

Still, ten more pounds to go, but damn I’ve come a long way. What’s really cool is that Wendy’s lost nearly as much, and she wasn’t close to where I was at. She’s already hit the “healthy” weight range. I’m just trying to catch up.

What’s up!

Wow, a month’s gone by already. I’ve been head down in work this past month, trying to catch a project up that I got behind on, and I have to say, that really sucks. Mostly caught up now, I think, but there’s still lots of work to do. Go buy 10000 copies of Derelict so I don’t have to do this kind of thing anymore.

On the fitness front, I hit 175 a couple of days ago. Things have started to slow down a bit, which is OK and annoying at the same time, but as of today, there’s only two weeks left of Power 90 Masters, and then it’s picture time. Following that is a week or two of light exercise, just to recover some mojo, and then full on into P90X. I can’t wait.

I’m slowly making progress on Infinite Suns, too. I’m hoping to have it out, by the end of the year, but that’s totally dependent upon the amount of time I get to work on it. I spent a few hours working up a new schedule (yes, a weekly schedule) for my projects in an effort to ensure that I give them all what they deserve, and going forward (after this last push on the money project) I should be able to get thirty to thirty-five hours a week on it, as long as I’m diligent about following the schedule. Yes, you’re right. It’ll probably last all of a week, but I have to try.

Yeah, nothing groundbreaking or newsworthy here, just an update so you know I’m still alive and working.

I’m A Raging Psycho

So I was reading this thread and ran across a statement that really annoyed me, and I responded to it, perhaps harshly (I don’t know yet, but I suspect). It’s the second time in as many days where someone said something regarding fitness and eating right that just set me off, and I realize I’ve really become militant with regard to peoples attitudes about the subject. The casual things people say that reinforce our societies death spiral into mass obesity. The offhand spewing of defeatist hearsay far and wide. People will say anything, it seems, to justified their continued apathy and lethargy toward the subject of eating right and getting fit.

I guess there’s truth to the idea that no one hates ciggarette smoke more than an ex smoker, as it certainly applies to me here. I was one of those people who denied my problem, ignored it, excused my way out of fixing it. Boy do I wish I hadn’t done that. I could have saved myself YEARS of discontent by taking care of the problem long ago.

It’s never too late, however, to get started. Start listening to the things you say, and the comments of others. Pay attention and try to weed out the comments and thoughts that lead to inactivity. The battle against overconsumption begins with you and your thoughts and the words that come out of your mouth. If you’re looking at yourself in the mirror, what are you seeing? Are you seeing someone who needs exercise? Are you seeing someone who needs to trim their calorie intake by a bit? If you’re seeing that, just do it. Don’t tell yourself you can’t. Don’t tell yourself it’s too hard, or impossible. Tell yourself, tell the world, “I can, and it’s not impossible, and dammit, I’m going to do it.”

Too preachy? Probably. But I’ve made this change myself, and it’s not nearly as hard as it looked when I was seated on the couch with the bag of fried potatoes in my hand.