So, with P90 Masters completed the final weight loss number on that phase is 20 pounds. Pretty damned cool. Cool enough that I went out and bought a new pair of Levis in a size I hadn’t worn since college, and they fit. Holy crap is that awesome. A 30 waist is freakin mad, considering where I started out (overflowing a 36 and thinking about needing 38’s).
We’re taking a two week break to recover from the rigors of 6 days a week of hardcore exercise. By break, it means we’re only going to be working out 3 days a week. I think we’re going to take pictures tomorrow morning. As soon as I have them, I’ll get them up so you can see what I can see. Not quite ripped yet, but getting there. I imagined this happening, six months ago, but never really believed it. I believe it now, though.