StoryBox 0.5.73

I added the ability to split and merge documents, as well as select multiple documents in the File Drawer. The features are available from appropriate context menus.

To merge, select two or more documents in the File Drawer, right click on one of them, and select Merge Documents. The documents will be merged up into the first document. The other documents will be put into the trash.

To split, put the cursor where you want to split, right click and select split. If you select some text, you have the option of turning that text into the title of the new document (the text will be removed from the actual document).

Indie Books Research

Since I’ve had my iPad, I’ve read a lot more often because it’s just so much fun. I’ve bought books from Amazon,, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. At first, I bought mostly traditionally published books, too.
Then, once I really started thinking about writing again, I stumbled onto J.A. Konrath’s  ”A Newbies Guide To Publishing“, I think via Dean Wesley Smith’s blog (hard to remember). The world of Indie publishing opened up to me.
If you don’t know J.A Konrath, he’s an author that published several books the traditional way, but in the last year or so, due to an experiment with putting some of his older published material on Amazon for his fans to read, has decided he likely won’t publish through a traditional publisher any more because he can make more money self-publishing electronically on the Kindle.
So, where’s this going, you ask?
I got interested in finding out the quality of the typical Indie book, so I started with a couple of the people who commented on his blog. Zoe Winters, JA Konrath himself, and a couple others. I read Disturb, from JAK, and it was pretty good. I thought there were places where it could have been better, but it wasn’t awful. Zoe Winters Kept was good, too. I’m normally not a paranormal romance reader, but Kept kept me reading til it was done. My wife liked it, too, and made me buy the other two novellas in the series.
Then, I decided to be adventurous, and I downloaded half a dozen random samples from Smashwords. They were uniformly awful. Poor sentence structure, uninteresting characters, big blocks of scenery description with nothing happening.
From that, I deduced that the bad outweighs the good, but then, that’s pretty much always the case. After all, Sturgeon’s Law says “Ninety percent of everything is crud.”
And then, I came across David Dalglish’s Half-Orcs books. I read the first one, and really, in the first chapter, I almost put it down. There was almost too much going on, and it wasn’t clear to me at all points what was happening or why I should care, and the writing itself, I thought, was average at best. But it wasn’t awful, and I wanted to see if it got better.
It did get better. The confusion cleared up, and after about the third chapter, I couldn’t put it down. I had to finish it. These two brother half-orcs do some horrid things in this book, but David manages to make you care about the better brother (as I see him), and you begin to root for him to come to his senses and give his brother the boot.
And then I read the second book, and I couldn’t put it down. And you know what this indie author managed to do? He managed to make me care so much about his characters in this book, despite the sometimes less than professional editing job, that near the end of the book, when the bad brother does something so despicable to his brother that it’s hard to imagine someone actually doing it, that I had to set it down for a moment to collect myself. I felt so angry at him, and so sad for his brother that I had to get up and walk around for a bit to calm down. No book since Guy Gavriel Kay’s Fionavar Tapestry, which I read years ago (and reread often) has made me feel that way.  Congratulations David. Hurry up and finish the last two.

StoryBox 0.5.72 – Emergency Bug Fix

Turns out one of the “fixes” in 0.5.71 still had a small problem with it that could be damaging to some data when using the single document mode. When creating a new document while the parent document was selected (ie – creating a scene in a chapter via the file drawer right click menu) or by double clicking a scene in the outline view, the parent document (chapter) would have it’s title replaced by the title of the scene. It would also replace notes, synopsis, and potentially tags.

Update to 0.5.72 immediately, especially if you use single document mode.

Incidentally, I found this while writing in the car while Wendy drove us to a wedding on Saturday. Beautiful wedding – annoying bug that I couldn’t fix until this morning.

StoryBox 0.5.71

As I’ve said before, the writing is going great. I don’t know if I’m writing great, but there are far more words than there were three weeks ago, and that’s a good sign.
But a man only has so much time, and with the recent addition of two to three hours of writing, StoryBox progress is a bit slower. Of course, I’ve made some changes lately that I thought were easy changes, and when I go try to use StoryBox, I find I screwed something up. Like the other day when I made a change when using the single document mode so that it would remember where in the document you were when you switch between documents. That worked great. Unfortunately, when I went to write that evening, it wouldn’t allow me to type into any of the documents.
So, here’s the general plan regarding StoryBox updates, though I reserve the right to deviate from this plan at any time. For the foreseeable future, StoryBox will be on a weekly release schedule, most likely on Saturdays, though sometimes it may slip to Sundays. I’ll break from this, of course, if someone has a problem that can’t wait a week.
The writing is good news for StoryBox in other ways. I’ve got new features I want to add that were never on my initial list. And I’m working out kinks in new features before you’re seeing them.
As for today’s release, you’ll notice that the build number has jumped a bit. You didn’t miss anything. Since I’m making builds for myself during the week, I have to increment that build number. This build was focused on making certain things smoother, and easier to use. There aren’t any really huge features added, just bug fixes and some streamlining.

50,000 Words in 30 Days!

I was too tired last night to write a post after finishing my daily 2k, but I thought yesterday was a pretty cool milestone for me. I finally won NaNo – sort of. I hit the 50k mark, and if I were to place the 18 days of writing I did in August immediately after the 12 days of writing I did back in November, I won!
Of course, I can’t really do that, so I didn’t win, but that 50k does mean something else important to me. I’m half way done with the first draft of WiW. 37.5k words in 18 days. At this rate, I’ll be done right around the 10th or 11th of September.
What have I learned the past 18 days? I’ve learned that I can sit my butt in the chair and write my 2000 words, even if I don’t know exactly what I’m going to write that day. And if I can do it while working an 8 hour a day job plus updating StoryBox once a week and getting hours in with my kids and WoW, as well as some reading every day – why can’t you?