StoryBox 1.1.92 Released

For the second time this week, I’ve released a build, only to have someone report an annoying bug right after I released it.

I have heard rumors for a couple weeks of an annoying issue where, on start up, people would get a cascade of error messages, mostly after a first install (mostly on upgrades, I think). No one had reported real information until today, though. Report it, I fix it.

The problem was that the theme info went missing for some reason. I put a band-aid on it. Now, with this fix, if you WERE going to run into this issue, it will default to the silver theme.

Unlike Monday, I added a couple of features to this build to ease the pain of a second install. You can now add documents by right clicking in the Storyboard and Outline views.

StoryBox 1.1.91 Released

This latest version of StoryBox adds a new “Act” document type to let those of you who like even more structure work more easily with more structure. There are is also a fix for those with European date styles and the statistics. I tried to fix the dates in the project when the project loads, but if your statistics don’t show up, send me the project in a bug report and I’ll fix it by hand.

I think I fixed the never shuts down bug, too. I know I fixed it in one case. I hope it translates to others.

Still In St. George

Today was the last day of David Farland’s Writers Death Camp, and at this point, my brain is a bit mushy, but I’m super excited to get home and really get back to a semi-normal existence. I learned a lot. My writing, and my understanding of my writing and writing stories in general improved significantly.

Because of my new understanding, StoryBox will be getting some features that I have decided are essential to continuing to improve my writing. These will include some outlining tools, editing tools and brainstorming tools, and plot construction tools. These tools will be added on, and for the most part, you won’t be required to change your current work flow if you like what StoryBox does now.

When I am done, no other writing software will have the combination of tools that StoryBox will have, and I think these tools will provide users of StoryBox an absolutely huge advantage over users of other pieces of writing software.

In St. George

I’m here in St George, Utah now after a flight to Las Vegas (there was some concern on some persons parts as to whether I’d get stuck there) and a nice drive. I’m as excited as can be for the Writer’s Death Camp to get started tomorrow. Six days of death? I can’t wait.

Updates for StoryBox will resume when I return.