Perhaps you can see that I’ve made a couple changes. The reading list got long enough, I decided to move it down the page a bit and move categories and links up so you can see them. I also added progress information for my current projects. They will mostly be writing projects since I’m bound not to talk about most of my game projects until after they’re released.
Anyway, for a quick update on my writing progress, last week was a good week with nearly 15,000 words written on Wizard in Waiting. I made my 2000 a day target every day. I’m sure it’ll require a rewrite when I’m done. When I started this WiW in November, I pretty much just threw ideas onto the paper, and was figuring out who the characters were as I wrote, and I’m still doing that, which leads me to believe that there will be many ‘out of character’ behaviors from each of them.